Background: An Advance Care Planning (ACP) solution was implemented across Northern Sydney (NSLHD) and Central Coast Local Health Districts (CCLHD) to provide a method for recording electronic Resuscitation Plans, note the existence of Advance Care Documentation, and a patient’s AMBER status.
Aims: The pilot sought to collect data on the efficacy of the solution, noting whether it led to increased appropriate use and compliance, or improved clinician satisfaction.
Methods: The solution was piloted for three months from July 2020 at NSLHD and CCLHD to conduct the evaluation. Clinical safety, quality and compliance measures were collected using quantitative methods. Clinician satisfaction was also measured using qualitative methods. Post implementation results were compared against baseline conditions collected prior to ACP go-live.
Results: Electronic Resuscitation Plans were adopted widely and rapidly. The solution increased documentation standards, appropriate use and compliance. Clinician feedback also indicated high satisfaction, noting the electronic solution assisted with handover practices. Advance Care Documentation was readily adopted; however, several recommendations were made to improve functionality. The AMBER Care bundle was positively received by clinicians and led to an increased recording of patient AMBER status. Results from the ACP solution are being used to help direct the Resuscitation Plan Policy Directive by the Ministry of Health.
Conclusion: Enhancement suggestions and concerns raised during the evaluation process will be reviewed and raised with the solution’s governance group, and the results will assist with the development of new policies.