Digital Health Week 2022 is a collaboration between the University of Sydney and the University of Melbourne. It aims to create a space that brings together digital health researchers to share their work, build collaborations, and nurture graduate students and early career colleagues. The theme for Digital Health Week 2022 is: Reality Check: How do we make technology work in real life?

More information about Digital Health Week 2022 is available here:

ePoster Prizes

All ePoster presenters displayed in this gallery are in the running for these three prizes:

  • People's Choice | Cast your vote to have a say about who gets this prize. Votes can be cast for three ePosters every day, up until 9am, Thursday 17th February 2022.

  • Influencer | Tweet/re-tweet/like your favourite ePoster using the conference hashtag #DigitalHealthWeek22. This prize will go to the ePoster with the most Twitter engagement as of 9am, Thursday 17th February 2022.

  • Judges Choice | Members of the Digital Health Week 2022 scientific committee will award a prize to one poster.

An analysis of patient-sharing provider network in Australian healthcare industry using administrative claim data
Analytical study on feasibility, fidelity, implementation cost, demand and chronic pain outcomes associated with digital health interventions during COVID-19 in Australia regional health
Cancer from the inside out: Using Virtual Reality to create certainty in clinical decisions using complex genomics
Capturing key regulatory events to inform assessment of black-market opioid pricing patterns using an online, real-time, crowd-sourced platform
Image of poster called Co-designing a point-of-care digital decision support tool for GPs to better identify and support people with an eating disorder in primary care
Co-designing a point-of-care digital decision support tool for GPs to better identify and support people with an eating disorder in primary care
Designing prototype devices to engage participation in the creation of wearable health technologies
Does the type of text, affect parent-child behaviour during shared book reading? A case study in a bilingual family
Effect of queue management system on patient satisfaction in Emergency Department: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Image of poster called Examining the use and marketing by liquor retailers on Twitter during the first COVID-19 lockdown
Examining the use and marketing by liquor retailers on Twitter during the first COVID-19 lockdown
Exploring medical practitioners experiences with electronic health data: A sensemaking perspective
Exploring the early-phase implementation of digital health solutions to improve access and treatment outcomes of eating disorders within in rural and regional health services
Face-to-face physiotherapy compared to a supported home exercise program for the management of musculoskeletal conditions: Protocol of a multicentre, randomised controlled trial: the REFORM trial
Future of point of care manufacturing in craniomaxillofacial disease
Human-Centred Design studies and explorations with bridging design prototypes
Image of poster called Implementation of digital health interventions in rehabilitation: A scoping review
Implementation of digital health interventions in rehabilitation: A scoping review
Interactivity, content, and quality of websites addressing healthy infant behaviours: A systematic assessment
Legal, ethical and privacy issues with consumer-led atrial fibrillation screening
National roll-out of the Goal-directed Medication Review Electronic Decision Support System (G-MEDSS)© in practice
Podcast series to support diagnostic radiography students' wellbeing
Predicting readmission risk for diabetic patients: Make artificial intelligence work in real life with interpretable machine learning
Image of poster called Prescription drug monitoring programs: why are clinicians cautious of this digital health tool and data?
Prescription drug monitoring programs: why are clinicians cautious of this digital health tool and data?
Registry for Better Understanding of ILD (RE-BUILD) Mobile Application
Image of poster called The health digital twin model to tackle cardiovascular disease: mapping an emerging interdisciplinary field
The health digital twin model to tackle cardiovascular disease: mapping an emerging interdisciplinary field
The role of digital technology use among families with infants during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Image of poster called The role of smartphone applications in preventing Type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review
The role of smartphone applications in preventing Type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review
Using mHealth devices to track mental state in young people with severe mental illness: the unWIRED project
Visual data mining in immersive virtual reality: An approachable workflow for medical research and big data presentation
mHealth interventions to improve cancer screening and early detection: A scoping review of reviews
“What do I say? How do I say it?” Twitter as a knowledge dissemination tool for Australian mental health research