Digital Health Week 2024 is a collaboration between the University of Sydney, the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and this year the Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI). It aims to to emphasise the importance of creating digital health solutions that are accessible, equitable and cater to the diverse, unique needs of all individuals. The theme for Digital Health Week 2024 is: Inclusive by Design

More information about Digital Health Week 2024 is available here:

ePoster Prizes

All ePoster presenters displayed in this gallery are in the running for these three prizes:

  • People's Choice | Cast your vote to have a say about who gets this prize. Votes can be cast for three ePosters every day, up until 9am, Thursday 15th February 2024.

  • Influencer | Tweet/re-tweet/like your favourite ePoster using the conference hashtag #DigitalHealthWeek24. This prize will go to the ePoster with the most Twitter engagement as of 9am, Thursday 15th February 2024.

  • Judges Choice | Members of the Digital Health Week 2024 scientific committee will award a prize to one poster.

Image of poster called A Framework for Designing Diabetes Prevention Chatbots
A Framework for Designing Diabetes Prevention Chatbots
Access to Virtual Care and Assistive Technology for People with Disability: Improving Mental Health and Wellbeing
Image of poster called An online enhanced care program to improve the wellbeing of patients discharged from hospital with heart failure
An online enhanced care program to improve the wellbeing of patients discharged from hospital with heart failure
BrighterSide® – a self-guided app for suicidal ideation
Challenges in converting promotional reach into research participants for Minds Together online programs: How do we bridge the gap?
Co-designing a nationwide digital mental health service for diverse communities
Image of poster called Development and validation of an online medicines’ portal for older people: a protocol
Development and validation of an online medicines’ portal for older people: a protocol
Image of poster called Digital Health Technologies in Geographically Disadvantaged Regions: A Comparative Assessment of the ICT4D Literature and UNDP Reports
Digital Health Technologies in Geographically Disadvantaged Regions: A Comparative Assessment of the ICT4D Literature and UNDP Reports
Digital therapeutic alliance in the context of unguided mental health apps
Electronic Clinical Pathways to Service Excellence (eCliPSE): A digital hub facilitating access to evidence-based support for co-occurring mental health and substance use problems
Enhancing Adolescents Engagement with eHealth: The Triple E Project
Investigating factors influencing electronic collection and use of patient-reported measures in older adults’ care
Muscle Synergies and Kinematic Analysis of Bicep Curls and Compensatory Movements
Image of poster called MyBackExercise App: A digital, automated exercise mobile app for people with low back pain: Development and usability testing
MyBackExercise App: A digital, automated exercise mobile app for people with low back pain: Development and usability testing
Queering digital mental health self-care interventions for Australian LGBTQ+ youth
Image of poster called RememberMe: An Embodied Conversational Agent for Reminiscence Therapy in Virtual Reality
RememberMe: An Embodied Conversational Agent for Reminiscence Therapy in Virtual Reality
The Impact of a Core Curriculum for AI in Dentistry into Future Dental Workflows
Image of poster called The longer-term effectiveness of ‘Click & Crunch’: An RCT of a web-based intervention to improve healthy eating from high school online canteens
The longer-term effectiveness of ‘Click & Crunch’: An RCT of a web-based intervention to improve healthy eating from high school online canteens
The role of smartphone apps in preventing Type 2 diabetes: a qualitative study
The use of activity trackers in clinical practice amongst Australian cardiac rehabilitation providers
Towards Culturally Inclusive Digital Interventions for Body Image: Insights from a Co-Design Study with Diverse Women
Understanding gambling consumer engagement with digital resources for harm minimisation
Image of poster called Unveiling the affordance roles in FemTech products: A review of fertility and pregnancy applications
Unveiling the affordance roles in FemTech products: A review of fertility and pregnancy applications
Image of poster called social-ABI-lity 2.0 - using an online training program and a peer-moderated private Facebook group for social media communication practice and support after brain injury
social-ABI-lity 2.0 - using an online training program and a peer-moderated private Facebook group for social media communication practice and support after brain injury